African American Mayors Association Statement on Shooting in Kansas City, MO

Published on February 15, 2024

(Washington, DC) – The African American Mayors Association (AAMA) extends its heartfelt prayers to the victims, their families, and the Kansas City community following Wednesday afternoon’s horrific shooting. The shooting, which occurred following the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration, left 21 people injured and 1 fatality.

“Our hearts ache for the victims and their families, and we extend our prayers and support to AAMA Board Member and Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas and the entire Kansas City community,” said AAMA President and Mount Vernon, NY Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard. “It’s time to come together as a country and take meaningful action against gun violence in this nation. We cannot afford to lose any more lives, especially the lives of children, to senseless tragedies and acts of violence.”

AAMA and its member mayors remain committed to ending the scourge of gun violence throughout the country, joining with other cities and states in promoting education, advocacy, and support for those affected by gun violence.