AAMA affirms support for the removal of barriers for citizens with a criminal record to obtain gainful employment and the implementation of policies and programs to help in the successful re-integration of formerly incarcerated citizens into society.
AAMA calls upon the White House and executive agencies to elevate the mission of the White House Initiative on HBCUs to an urgent policy and fiscal priority of the Administration.
Authorizes AAMA to encourage educational assessments and accountability from state policymakers for their respective states, and ensure collaboration with their state board of education and state-level departments.
Authorizes AAMA to adopt K-12 education reform public safety reform under the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative.
Authorizes AAMA members to promote diversity in Elementary and Secondary Education by working with educational stakeholders and minority-serving institutions to encourage diversity in local teacher recruitment. The Corporation work through the local, state and federal legislative processes to ensure that teacher diversity will be closely monitored and reformed for a more equitable educational system.
Authorizes AAMA to urge the members of the US Congress to support the 21st Century Workforce Development Jobs Initiative Act of 2014, which will support AAMA’s efforts for job creation and economic opportunity.
AAMA urges city leaders to collaborate with regulators, policymakers, and stakeholders to develop policies to facilitate electric companies making significant investments to reduce wildfire risks and to ensure that the energy grid can provide resilient clean energy in the face of climate change that AAMA urges Members of Congress to collaborate with regulators, policymakers, and stakeholders to explore a national approach to address the potential for large liabilities associated with wildfires, but do not require these companies to serve as the insurers of last resort for all damages associated with a wildfire.
AAMA encourages efforts to make electric cars more affordable and to bring more charging stations to underserved and unserved areas to avoid leaving low-income consumers further behind wealthier communities.
AAMA recognizes that an efficient electric grid is an important component of creating and maintaining access to clean, safe, reliable, and affordable energy options for all consumers.
AAMA urges Federal and State elected officials to reduce the legislative and regulatory barriers to: performing vegetation management, both inside and outside of the ROWs; developing and deploying new technologies that can enhance wildfire detection and response; and address liability concerns for electric companies; and supports the need for electric companies to be able to secure necessary cost recovery from public regulatory commissions for these essential public investments as well as damages for which they have been held liable.
African American Mayors Association will work with policymakers and community leaders and institutions, including electric and other utilities, technology companies and universities on the local, state, and federal levels to develop policies that facilitate and accelerate the development of smart cities and ensure all communities benefit from its technologies.
African American Mayors Association calls on Congress and the Administration to work with cities on measures and actions that will further these needed collaborations as well as resources to support the expedited development of needed infrastructure to support the increased use of electricity in the transportation sector.
AAMA urges city leaders to collaborate with regulators, policy makers and stakeholders to develop policies that remove barriers to energy storage and other smarter energy infrastructure deployment and help realize the full economic, environmental, and societal benefits of these resources.
Authorizes AAMA to support development of urban green spaces and gardens which provide opportunities for urban revitalization in our nation’s cities and can assist in some of our country’s challenges such as stormwater management and pollinator gardens.
AAMA will work with members of Congress and the current and incoming presidential administrations to ensure that LGAC remains an important advisor for environmental legislation.
AAMA encourages state policymakers to ensure consumers are protected and accountable for their respective states, and that AAMA work through the local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that the residential solar industry will be appropriately regulated to ensure the protection of our communities.
Authorized AAMA to donate to the American Red Cross in the amount of $5,000 from the Corporation’s funds to a 501(c)(3) charity organization to be approved by the Board.
AAMA supports the allotment of federal funds allocated for COVID-19 as part of the CARES Act to be used for water and wastewater customer assistance programs.
AAMA urges U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to withdraw proposed rules that would prohibit undocumented immigrants from residing in subsidized housing and other harmful policies that would ultimately end housing aid and displace thousands of families with mixed immigration status.
AAMA urges the President of the United States and the members of the U.S. House and Senate Appropriations Committees to increase The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to no less than $4.7 billion to ensure greater protections for minority, low- and fixed-income households struggling to pay their energy bills; and that copies of this particular Resolution be dispatched to the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, Members of Congress, House and Senate Leadership, and other elected officials as appropriate.
Authorized AAMA to promote policy for homeownership by working with the Federal Housing Agency and Obama Administration in support of releasing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from conservatorship. AAMA believes that once the Administration acts, the two companies can continue to open the door of homeownership for families across America.
AAMA supports the safe and trustworthy use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in local governments to improve the quality of life for all residents and urges Congress to act on AI to protect individual and national interests.
AAMA supports the need to ensure broadband access in creating economically sustainable communities of color and encourages all US states and territories to adopt a technology neutral policy position in its Five-Year Action Plan for BEAD funding and consider which technology is most appropriate for its citizens and businesses.
AAMA calls for policy solutions that ensure the independence and flexibility that has allowed millions from underserved communities to build economic power and resources on their own terms; and urges its federal counterparts to do the same.
AAMA urges the United States Congress and the President to include an emergency broadband benefit for low income Americans in the next round of stimulus; and calls on the FCC, Congress, and the President to create a permanent broadband subsidy for low income Americans funded through appropriations.
AAMA encourages utilities to deploy reliable cyber-secure broadband to support new technologies and smarter energy infrastructure for the modern electric grid.
AAMA affirms the importance of unlicensed spectrum to ALL of their communities, but especially to communities of color whom have an increased reliance on wireless connectivity and low-income families who rely on free Wi-Fi for broadband access.
The African American Mayors Association (AAMA) writes in support of The AIRWAVES Act (S.1682; H.R.4953), the bicameral legislation from Sens. Gardner and Hassan and Reps. Lance and Doyle, which provides for enhanced wireless service in rural and other underserved communities. To read our resolution to the Senate, click here
AAMA encouraged the Federal Communications Commission to support free data programs as a cost effective policy for keeping low income consumers connected to the internet.
AAMA calls on Congress to take the necessary steps to ensure that flexible privacy standards grounded in the appropriate fair information practice principles apply equally to all entities and all platforms across the Internet ecosystem.
AAMA urges the FCC to modernize its Lifeline Program to allow participants to choose between applying the same support to either voice or broadband Internet service, and AAMA urges the FCC to make spectrum for wireless broadband more readily available so that there are more opportunities for students to get their school work done.
AAMA affirms local government’s role in balancing the deployment of new generation wireless technology with local governments’ role in managing rights-of-way, maintaining safe communities, and promoting economic development; and urges local governments to work collaboratively with businesses to bring next generation networks to their cities.
Authorizes AAMA to support the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to encourage minority ownership through the Designed Entity (DE) Commercial Wireless Spectrum program.
Authorizes AAMA to support the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to encourage minority ownership through the Designed Entity (DE) Commercial Wireless Spectrum program.
AAMA calls for the United States Senate to immediately confirm Steven Dettelbach to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
AAMA urges Mayors to reduce gun violence in their communities by working with state and federal lawmakers to promote, pass, and implement common sense laws at every level of government; and execute both long-term and immediate actions to address gun violence where it occurs.
The Association urges Congress to pass, and the President to Sign, H.R. 8, an important, bipartisan public safety bill that would require a background check for every gun sale.
AAMA opposes “concealed carry reciprocity” or any other legislation that would put local law enforcement at risk when encountering an armed out-of-state visitor, who may be carrying with no permit whatsoever—often leaving police and sheriffs with no means to verify whether the person is carrying lawfully; and reiterates its support for common-sense gun legislation to keep guns out of dangerous hands, including strong standards that ensure people cannot legally carry guns concealed on city streets without proper safety training or if they pose a danger to the public.
Authorizes AAMA to distribute up to two (2) grants, each in the amount of $2,500.00 to be made available to organizations recommended by those Active Members of the Corporation working on and participating in supporting either the MBK Initiative or the Justice Reform Initiative.
AAMA encourages addressing and medical racism and discrimination in healthcare. AAMA must be proactive in educating, empowering and advocating for our community towards healthy equity, and we will work with and encourage our mayors to share resources with our constituents
AAMA affirms strong support for the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act (H.R. 7213), bipartisan legislation that would improve patient access to pharmacist care, empower communities to combat COVID-19 and future public health threats, and alleviate gaps in care and improve health equity in America.
AAMA recognizes that to equitably improve health and wellbeing, the U.S. government must invest in public-private partnerships with grocers and retailers, education over nutrition and nutrition programs, and policies that incentivize healthy food access and healthy eating.
AAMA encourages Congress and the Biden administration to continue to support the CMMI ACO REACH model, which transforms the outdated fee-for-service Medicare model by putting primary care providers at the center of integrated care teams; rewards providers for high-quality, affordable care; and addresses health equity.
AAMA strongly endorses efforts to adopt a sound public policy that streamlines, clarifies and makes consistent, regulations for all car rental companies including peer-to-peer vehicle sharing services; and urges the passage and implementation of these laws for the sake of public interest.
AAMA endorses the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation’s America’s New Business Plan.
AAMA urges Congress to enact legislation that would encourage Medicare and Medicaid to take meaningful steps toward identifying and educating vulnerable populations that are nearing the end of their life.
AAMA calls on Governors to repeal any orders or rules prohibiting local governments from implementing and enforcing transmission mitigation strategies such as social distance practices and the use of face masks in public spaces as recommended by the CDC.
Authorizes AAMA to support the use of non-governmental entities as an option for employment background checks.
AAMA urges mayors across the country to work with state representatives and Members of Congress in the development and passage of laws that prevent discrimination on the basis of hair texture and protective styles and to expand the definition of racial discrimination in all applicable existing laws to include hair texture and protective styles.
AAMA calls on the President of the United States and Members of Congress to continue strong funding support of Alzheimer’s and other dementias research activities at the National Institutes of Health.
AAMA urges the Secretary of Commerce to uphold the U.S. District Court’s decision to reject the Department of Justice’s request to include a citizenship question on the Census questionnaire.
AAMA encourages city leaders to work with local health officials and community health organizations to develop an action plan on reducing disparities in maternal health outcomes.
The Board hereby authorizes and approves the AAMA to become a member of Diverse Asset Managers Initiative, an initiative as described in the overview attached hereto as Exhibit B.
AAMA urges Congress to enact bipartisan immigration reform measures that aim to: (1) Strengthen our borders while assuring that state and local law enforcement is able to remain focused on community policing; (2) Establish a streamlined visa process to efficiently process seasonal, agricultural, lesser-skilled and high skilled workers; 3) Provide a uniform system of employment verification; and (4) Implement a framework that enables people of goodwill currently living in the shadows to come out and fully pursue the American dream.
Authorized AAMA to support President Barack Obama’s nomination Loretta Lynch as United States Attorney General.