Corporate Business Council


Business Council Member Spotlights

Small Business

ABA Nutrition, Access, Affordability and Education Grants In partnership with AAMA, the American Beverage Association will enhance municipal programs and initiatives to close the gap in health disparities. This multi-year grant opportunity will provide mayors and their teams resources to promote access, affordability, and education. Access, affordability, and education are at the root of health disparities. Lack of access to healthcare; affordable nutritional foods; education in helping families make better; and healthier choices in accessing affordable basic needs. The American Beverage Association and AAMA hopes this grant program will not only advance important community programs but also be a seed for attracting additional investment for these important programs. This award focuses on eliminating gaps in health disparities

Small Business

Sootchy is on a mission to end long-term poverty. We’re tackling this enormous task by connecting underserved and underrepresented American families with the access and opportunities they didn’t even know existed. Sootchy is conducting a series of activation events around the country in collaboration with multiple partners, including the African American Mayors Association, The Boys & Girls Clubs. and dozens of school districts nationwide.